Barbara Wheeler: Involvement is the Key
Our music therapy colleague Barbara Wheeler realized early in life that she wanted to share music beyond an elementary school classroom, so she embarked on a music therapy career. In this AMTA-Pro podcast, Barbara tells us of her privilege to cross paths with many people over the year in her work as a clinician, as a college professor in two universities, as an active volunteer in national and world music therapy organizations, as an author and editor of music therapy literature, and as a speaker around the world. The text accompanying this podcast on the AMTA website includes some memorable photos of some of these opportunities. Barbara tells us her connections over the years have helped her understand the broad nature of our field with music therapists around the world working in very different ways. She encourages all of us to get involved with other professionals and to spend some time near the ocean.

Barbara Wheeler: Involvement is the Key
AMTA-Pro Podcast ~ June 2021
with Barbara L. Wheeler, PhD, MT-BC
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These snapshots provide a glimpse into the multi-faceted career of our colleague Barbara Wheeler. In this AMTA-Pro podcast, Barbara tells us of her privilege to cross paths with many people as a clinician, as a college professor in two universities, as an active member of national and world music therapy organizations, as an author and editor of music therapy literature, and as a speaker around the world. Barbara tells us her connections over the years have helped her understand the broad nature of our field with music therapists around the world working in very different ways. She encourages all of us to get involved with other professionals and to spend some time near the ocean.
Barbara L. Wheeler, PhD, MT-BC, holds the designation of Professor Emeritus from Montclair State University, where she taught from 1975-2000. She initiated the music therapy program at the University of Louisville in 2000 and taught there until 2011. Barbara has retired from most professional work, but still presents and teaches in the U.S. and internationally. She has been an active clinician throughout her career and worked with a variety of clientele. Barbara has edited and coauthored several books as well as articles and book chapters. She was vice-president of the National Association for Music Therapy (NAMT), was vice-president and president of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), and is active in the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT). Dr. Wheeler received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Federation of Music Therapy in 2017 and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Music Therapy Association in 2019.