In November of 2011, representatives from the AMTAS leadership gathered around the AMTA-Pro microphone at the national conference in Atlanta. The resulting podcast is an interesting informal discussion about the field of music therapy from the perspective of students and interns. These student leaders talk about their reasons for entering the field, about some inspiring clinical experiences, and about the challenges they encounter juggling classes, music, therapy, practicums, and other aspects of being a music therapy student.


AMTAS Student Leaders Speak Up

AMTA-Pro Podcast – November, 2011

Student leaders gathered around a microphone at the AMTA conference in Atlanta, GA in November, 2011 with AMTA-Pro host Cathy Knoll to share stories about clinical experiences and to reflect on the challenges encountered by MT students. Speakers in this podcast, one of a series of three featuring music therapy students recorded at the annual conference, include:

AMTAS President Jessica Jarvis, an intern at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, TX who studied at Nazareth College in Rochester, NY.

AMTAS Vice-President Katie Fitch, a senior at University of Iowa.

AMTAS Secretary Nicki Wiloth, a student at Sam Houston State University.

AMTAS President of the New England Region Jessica Brizuela, a student at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA.

AMTAS President-Elect Kyle Fleming, a student at Wartburg College in Waverly, IA.

AMTA-Pro podcast listeners can find contact information for these student leaders in the AMTA member directory on the AMTA website or by contacting AMTA-Pro host Cathy Knoll at <[email protected]>