ASD Resources for Music Therapists
In this AMTA-Pro podcast, our music therapy colleague, Marcia Humpal, chair of AMTA’s Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD, tells us about the wealth of resources related to music therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder available on the AMTA website. Humpal provides an overview of the fact sheets, research, annotated bibliographies, reports, toolkits, brochures, journal articles, training modules, and other resources resulting from time and expertise of the Strategic Priority group and many AMTA members working with individuals with ASD. Some resources are specifically for families and caregivers, some for professionals in related fields, and many for music therapists.
ASD Resources for Music Therapists
AMTA-Pro Podcast March, 2015
Marcia Humpal, MT-BC
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The Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD focuses its efforts on three areas:
Awareness and Recognition: This strategic area concerns itself with public education on the role and contributions of Board Certified Music Therapists in the treatment of persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This includes education and awareness of the music therapist’s role in collaborative interdisciplinary teams treating persons with ASD.
Training and Professional Development: This strategic area focuses on advancing tools and resources regarding training qualified music therapists for the planning and delivery of effective, valid, and reliable music therapy interventions.
Evidence-Based Practice and Research: This strategic area focuses on advancement, dissemination, and translation to practice of the best available evidence from the research literature on music therapy and music-based interventions for persons with ASD.
These strategic focus areas emerged following a strategic analysis by an ad hoc workgroup charged by the Board of Directors of the American Music Therapy Association. The workgroup, established in 2008 and originally called the Autism Task Force/Think Tank, has evolved to consist of a formalized leadership team under the direction of recognized subject matter experts. The activities of the Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD are led by a steering committee directed by Marcia Humpal (Chair), Dr. Petra Kern, and Dr. Blythe LaGasse. An Advisory Team of music therapy clinicians, educators, and researchers who represent various perspectives, approaches, client age range, and geographic areas contribute with their specific areas of expertise.
Resources are accessed by clicking the “Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum” link in the lefthand Quick Link column of the AMTA website The website area offers AMTA members and the general public a variety of resources, and more valuable resources are in the works.
Fact Sheets/Research/Bibliographies
Abstract: Whipple, J. (2015) Music therapy intervention across the lifespan of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A meta-analysis. Charleston Southern University, Charleston, SC
Annotated Bibliography of Articles from the Journals of the American Music Therapy Association that Pertain to Music Therapy and ASD, 2000-2015
Annotated Bibliography of Articles from Outside Music Therapy Journals that Pertain to Music Therapy and ASD, 2006-2015 (AMTA member only access)
Music Therapy and ASD: An Annotated Bibliography of Unpublished Dissertations and Theses 1993 – 2014 (AMTA member only access)
Music Therapy & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (October 2015)
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Music Therapy Research and Evidence Based Practice Support (2010)
Reports and Resources
Music Therapy and ASD – We Have the Scoop and Tools for You! (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
Research-based Knowledge from Related Fields (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Educator’s Tool Kit (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
ASD Evidenced-Based Practices Incorporated in Music Therapy Interventions, to be used with Autism Spectrum Disorder Survey Study Outcomes below (AMTA member only access)
Music Therapy and Persons with ASD. A brochure for clients and their parents.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Survey Study Outcomes (2015)
Reprint: Music Therapy: Personalized Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Executive Summary. (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
Online Resources for Music Therapists (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
Try it Out: EBP Strategies that Matter for Individuals with ASD – for Students (This may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section.)
Autism Speaks and Sings. One of the tasks of AMTA’s Strategic Priority Workgroup was the development of partnerships with other organizations related to autism. Presenters Marcia Humpal and Dr. Darcy Walworth, co‐chairs of AMTA’s ASD Workgroup were privileged to be a part of the first Autism Speaks and Sings event, coordinated by Dr. Suzanne Hanser, Berklee College of Music, and New England Autism Speaks on October 5, 2011. As part of the Strategic Priority on ASD’s focus area of Awareness and Recognition, prototypes of 1) the Power Point based on the 2011 presentation and 2) an outlined guideline for replicating the presentation are being provided to AMTA members. We invite you to adapt the presentation to apply to specific needs of organizations or interested parties who could benefit from learning more about music therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This presentation including the Overview/Presenter’s outline as well as the PowerPoint Presentation Prototype may be accessed by current AMTA members in the Member Toolkit. Simply scroll down to the “Music Therapy Practice” section, and click on the links to download the .pdf and PowerPoint documents.
Read a selection of articles from Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives assembled into a virtual issue in recognition of National Autism Awareness Month in the United States.
Click below to start reading the free virtual issue. Articles will remain free until April 30, 2015.
Sign up for e-alerts from Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives delivered when new content is available online.
Music Therapy Perspectives and Journal of Music Therapy are official publications of the American Music Therapy Association and published in cooperation with Oxford University Press.
Steering Committee for Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD
Marcia Humpal, Chair
Petra Kern
Blythe LaGasse
Barbara Else, ex officio
Judy Simpson, ex officio
Advisory Board for Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD
Alie Chandler
John Carpente
Patti Catalano
Kymla Eubanks
Jamie George
Ronna Kaplan
Cathy Knoll
Deborah Layman
Andrew Littlefield
Beth McLaughlin
Jean Nemeth
Nicole Rivera
Elizabeth Schwartz
Todd Schwartzberg
Christy Joy (CJ) Shiloh
Lori Smith
Alan Turry
Darcy DeLoach
Amber Weldon-Stephens
Jennifer Whipple